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General Colin Powell, US Secretary of State

Collection, US Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State

Collection, US Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State

Collection, US Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Stephen Schwarzman, Chairman, The Blackstone Group

Collection, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

John Mack, Chairman Emeritus, Morgan Stanley & Co.

Collection, Morgan Stanley & Co., New York, NY

Susan Hockfield, President Emerita, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Collection, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Robert Lane, Chairman, Deere & Co.

Collection, Deer & Co., Moline, IL

Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus, The Council on Foreign Relations

Collection, The Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY

David Conrad, Actor

Private Collection, Pittsburgh, PA

Ruth Simmons, President Emerita, Brown University

Collection, Brown University, Providence, RI

John Snow, US Secretary of the Treasury

Collection, US Department of the Treasury, Washington, D.C.

​​Zalman Bernstein, Founder, Sanford Bernstein & Co.

Collection, The Tikvah Fund, New York, NY

Kenneth Wallach, CEO, Central-National Gottesman

Collection, Central-National Gottesman, Purchase, NY

Leon Panetta, Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Collection, Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, VA

General Michael Hayden, Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Collection, Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, VA

George Tenet, Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Collection, Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, VA

David Hillenbrand, President, Carnegie Museums

Collection, Carnegie Museums, Pittsburgh, PA

Ellsworth Brown, President, Carnegie Museums

Collection, Carnegie Museums, Pittsburgh, PA

Diana Walsh, President, Wellesley College

Collection, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Hunter Rawlings III, President, Cornell University

Collection, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Harold Tanner, Trustee, Cornell University

Collection, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Archie MacAllaster, Principal, MacAllaster, Pitfield & MacKay

Collection, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY

Stephen Robert, Chancellor, Brown University

Collection, Brown University, Providence, RI

Howard Lamar, President, Yale University

Collection, Yale University, New Haven, CT

​William Cooper, President, University of Richmond

Collection, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA

Evelyn Harris, Librarian, Duke University

Collection, Duke University, Durham, NC

Dr. Alfred Summer, Dean, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Collection, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

​Edward Lawrence, Trustee, Massachusetts General Hospital

Collection, Edward Lawrence Center, Mass. General Hospital, Boston, MA

John Heinz III, Senator, Pennsylvania

Collection, Heinz Endowments, Pittsburgh, PA

Robert Wagner, Senator, New York

Collection, US Capitol, Washington, D.C.

General James Jones, Commandant, US Marine Corps

Collection, Home of the Commandants, Washington, D.C.

Trent Lott, Senator, Mississippi

Collection, US Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Sharon Blackburn, Pastor, Church of the Pilgrims

Collection, Church of the Pilgrims, New York, NY

Pamela Eilbeck, President, University of the Pacific

Collection, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA

Reverend Patrick Frawley, President, Lotos Club

Collections, Lotos Club, New York, NY

Ernst & Julio Gallo, Founders, Gallo Winery​

Collection, Gallo Winery, Modesto, CA

Kimishige Ishizaka, Scientific Director, La Jolla Inst. for Allergy & Immunology

Collection, La Jolla Inst. for Allergy & Immunology, La Jolla, CA

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